Friday, May 28, 2010

A Little....

We went to one of these ultrasound places in Vegas and found out we are having a girl!! 16 weeks down, 24 more to go and I can't wait until I get to meet this perfect little one.
Yes, she still looks a little alien like, but beautiful nonetheless..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Mother's Day weekend we went with Jason's whole family to the golf course in Georgia.. We had such a good time, the guys played golf all day and the girls hung out by the pool and relaxed. I'm so proud of myself, I actually brought my camera and took lots of pictures! Jason took me out to play golf a couple of times but I still suck, there's no hope for me..

Britney and Jett.. Shelley and Wes

Jason and Brighton playing Tag

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mother...

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mothers.. you are the most beautiful and wonderful people on the face of this earth. I have been influenced by so many mothers; my friends mothers, my grandmothers, my wonderful mother-in-law, and of course my mom. If you know me at all you know my mom and how she is the most perfect and special person who has ever lived. The only reason I am scared to become a mom is because I will never be the mother that she was to me. I use the word perfect because that's what she is. I never once remember her raising her voice. She always put her daughters first, even if it meant her giving up sacrifices so that we had everything we ever wanted or needed. She has taught me that the only things that matter in this life are the gospel and your family. She instilled in me an undying love for the gospel, my Heavenly Father, and Savior. She has been there for me always, no matter what, and I know she always will. Even when she has hard to go through hard things, things that nobody deserves to go through she has kept her head up and has always had such a love and energy for life. I love her more than she will ever know and am so very grateful to have her as my mother.